Everything is super important until you get sick. When you're caught up with the day-to-day tasks, it's easy to forget how important it is to take precautions for your health and take care of yourself. Some of the basic precautions to avoid getting or spreading viruses include:
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
- Stay home when you are sick.
- Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw away the tissue in the trash.
- Clean and disinfect frequently-touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe.
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
It is also important to support your immune system with a healthy diet. Juicing is an efficient way to consume a daily dose of fruits and vegetables without messing with your gut or breaking the bank. Try these immunity-boosting juice recipes to stay strong and healthy.
Blueberry, Cucumber, & Grape
Ingredients and Benefits:
- Blueberry: Known as the King of Antioxidant Foods, they protect your body from free radicals, which are unstable molecules that can damage your cells and contribute to aging and diseases, such as cancer.
- Cucumber: In order to maximize their nutrient content, it is best to juice cucumbers unpeeled. They promote low blood sugar, and contain a lot of minerals which can help aid your body support its immune system.
- Grapes: Packed with nutrients, especially vitamins C and K, they help prevent chronic diseases. They are also beneficial to your heart health, by promoting healthy blood pressure levels and helping to reduce cholesterol.
Ingredients for Juicing:
- 1/8 cup of chopped cucumber
- 1/3 blueberry
- 2 cups of red grapes
- Remove grapes fro the stem and wash each grape thoroughly. Cut off the ends of cucumber, remove prickles and slice into appropriate sizes.
- In order, add cucumber, blueberries and grapes to a Hurom Slow Juicer.
- Enjoy! Pour over ice, if desired.
Bell Pepper & Orange

Ingredients and Benefits:
- Bell Pepper: One medium-sized bell pepper provides 169% of the Reference Daily Intake for vitamin C, making it one of the richest dietary sources of this essential ingredients.
- Orange: A number of vitamins and minerals are found in oranges including vitamin C, thiamine, folate, and potassium. Oranges are primarily made up of carbs and water. They're also a good source of fiber, which may support digestive health.
Ingredients for Juicing:
- 1 and 1/2 cups of orange slices
- 1/2 bell pepper
- Peel orange and cut into appropriate sizes.
- Alternating the ingredients, add bell pepper and orange to the Hurom Slow Juicer.
- Enjoy! Pour over ice, if desired.
Cherry Berry

Ingredients and Benefits:
- Cherry Tomatoes: Cherry Tomato is extremely beneficial for patients with high blood pressure as it is potassium-rich. The assortment of vitamins in it further prevents cardiovascular diseases such as arrhythmia and helps maintain a healthy heart.
- Pears: Pears are rich in essential antioxidants, plant compounds, and dietary fiber. They pack all of these nutrients in a fat-free, cholesterol-free, 100-calorie package.
- Raspberries: Raspberries are a good source of fiber and vitamin C. Raspberries are also high in antioxidants and plant compounds that protect against cell damage.
Ingredients for Juicing:
- 2 cups of cherry tomatoes
- 1/8 cup of sliced pears
- 1/4 cup of frozen blueberries
- 1/4 cup of frozen raspberries
- Lightly thaw frozen blueberries and raspberries.
- Wash cherry tomatoes and pears and slice into appropriate sizes, with peel intact.
- Add cherry tomatoes, pears, blueberries, and raspberries to the Hurom Slow Juicer alternating the order of the ingredients.
- Enjoy! Pour over ice, if desired.
Recipes involving oranges, broccoli, apples, and/or turmeric can add an extra dose of vitamins that you need. Learn more about how many doctors are to prescribing produce, not pills fortify your immune system. Also check out our celery juice recipes to help rejuvenate your health.
Looking to find what's the best way to start juicing? Check out our Hurom Juicing Guide to learn more.