The Great Juice Debate: Centrifugal Juicer vs Cold Press – Which Reigns Supreme?

February 07, 2024

You're on the right page to make the right decision for your needs. You'll learn:

  • How cold press and centrifugal juicers operate - and what that means for you
  • How the two types of juicers compare with each other on 10 points
  • Which is a better investment

What Is a Cold Press Juicer?

A cold press juicer, also known as a slow or auger juicer, is a type of juicer that extracts juice from fruits and vegetables using a slow grinding process.

Conversely, traditional centrifugal juicers use fast-spinning blades to separate the juice from the pulp.

The key feature of a cold press juicer is its slow-moving hydraulic presses.

These components crush and press the produce to extract the juice. Therefore, the juicing process generates less heat and friction than centrifugal juicers.

Remember: This lower heat generation is essential.

Less heat reduces the oxidation and breakdown of nutrients and enzymes in the cold-pressed juice. As a result, slow juicers produce more nutritious juice with deeper flavor and a more vibrant color.

Plus, cold-pressed juicers are versatile and efficient.

They can extract more flavorful juice from a wide variety of fresh fruits and vegetables, including leafy greens, wheatgrass, hard vegetables, or nuts and seeds, which are often challenging for centrifugal models. 

Pro tip: The Hurom Celery & Greens Horizontal Slow Juicer is a great option in that regard:

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Slow juicers also tend to be quieter and produce drier pulp, indicating a higher extraction efficiency.

What Is a Centrifugal Juicer?

A centrifugal juicer is a type of juicer that uses high-speed spinning blades to extract juice from produce. This method is one of the most popular and widely used due to its speed and convenience.

The core component of a centrifugal juicer is its rapidly spinning metal blade, which sits at the base of a mesh chamber. When you feed fruits and vegetables into the juicer:

  • The blade shreds fresh produce into tiny pieces.
  • The centrifugal force generated by the spinning motion separates the juice from the pulp.
  • The juice passes through the cell walls and is directed into a container.
  • The pulp is typically discarded into a separate waste compartment.

One of the main advantages of these types of juicers is their speed. 

Your centrifugal juice is ready within seconds to enjoy fresh juices with minimal wait time. They are also generally easier to use and clean than other types of juicer appliances.

However, the high-speed process can generate heat and cause oxidation.

And that may lead to a reduction in the nutritional quality compared to cold press juice.

The fruit and vegetable juice obtained may also have a shorter shelf life. Additionally, centrifugal juicers may be less effective in juicing leafy greens or soft fruits.

Centrifugal Juicer vs. Cold Press: The Showdown

Let's dive right into the comparison:

1. Health Benefits

Centrifugal juicers have fast-spinning metal blades that generate heat, leading to a loss of nutrients through oxidation. Vitamins and enzymes might be less preserved compared to cold-pressed juicers.

By contrast, cold-press models operate slowly. Combined with the lack of heat, this juicing method guarantees more essential nutrients, vitamins, and enzymes in each glass of juice. That's why cold-pressed juice is more popular in the juicing community.

2. Juice Concentration

High-speed centrifugal juicers produce fresh juice that is less concentrated and sometimes more watery. However, some people prefer a no-pulp, less-concentrated juicing experience. 

Cold-pressed juice is more concentrated, richer, and denser. This type of juicer squeezes every bit of juice from produce. So, you can enjoy healthy juices and even delicious frozen desserts.

3. Leafy Vegetables

Cold press juicers excel in juicing leafy greens, efficiently extracting a higher juice yield from these types of vegetables.

Their centrifugal counterparts are not as efficient in yielding this type of juice from leafy greens like spinach or kale. And the fast-spinning metal blades are, in fact, not best for any type of fibrous vegetable produce.

4. Pulp in Juice

Centrifugal juicers have less pulp in the juice. However,  the leftover pulp extracted from the juicer is wetter, indicating less efficient juice extraction.

Cold-pressed juicers are a good option for people who prefer more leftover pulp and even some chunks of fruit in their glasses. Plus, the pulp left behind is much drier, signifying a more efficient extraction process.

Pro tip: You don’t necessarily have to settle for more pulp if you pick a cold-pressed juicer. Models like the Hurom H-AA Slow Juicer allow you to control how much pulp is in your juice using a simple lever mechanism.

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5. Oxidation

Centrifugal juicers produce higher oxidation due to heat and air exposure from the rapid spinning. That means you have less time to enjoy your fresh fruit juice before it oxidizes. 

Slow juicers might be better for your juice bar if you want to reap more benefits of juice. That's because they have minimal oxidation, so you get more nutrients in juice. And a fresher taste for longer.

6. Noise

Centrifugal juicers are generally louder because of the high-speed motor and spinning blades. However, affordable juicers tend to be louder than more expensive options. 

Cold press juicers have a quieter operation due to the slower speed and less aggressive extraction process. So, a cold-pressed model may be more roommate-friendly if you're a regular juicer.

7. Shelf Life

Centrifugal juicers can produce fresh juice, but this juice typically has a shorter shelf life. So, it's best to consume it immediately after juicing.

Cold press juicing squeezes every bit of juice from frozen or fresh produce. Therefore, your juice has a longer shelf life and can be stored longer due to reduced oxidation.

8. Size

Centrifugal juicers are often more compact and suitable for smaller kitchens.

Cold press juicers tend to be larger and require more counter space. However, you can find plenty of compact cold-press juicers in the Hurom line.

9. Generated Waste

Centrifugal juicers produce more waste with wetter pulp, indicating less efficient extraction. However, you can find more expensive models that are easier to clean.

Cold press juicers have less waste because they extract more juice, leaving behind drier pulp.

Pro tip: If you want a genuinely easy-to-clean juicer, consider the Hurom H400.

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10. Time to Juice

Centrifugal juicers are faster, so they're best for quick juicing.

Cold-pressed juicing is slower but results in higher-quality juice.

Which Juicer is the Best Long-Term Financial Investment for You?

Tl;dr: While centrifugal juicers are cost-effective initially, cold press juicers may offer better long-term economic benefits.

When considering a juicer as a long-term financial investment, it's crucial to balance the initial cost with ongoing expenses and potential savings. 

Centrifugal juicers are budget-friendly with lower upfront costs but may incur higher produce and maintenance expenses and generally have lower juice yield and durability. 

Cold press juicers, though pricier initially, are more efficient in juice extraction, leading to grocery savings. Another advantage of these juicer machines is their longer lifespans with extended warranties, reducing long-term repair or replacement costs. 

Insider tip: Hurom juicers can last for over 10 years.

They also use less electricity, adding to savings, and tend to retain more resale value. 

What Is the Best Juicer for Home Use?

Choosing the best juicer depends on your needs and lifestyle. For those prioritizing nutrient intake and versatility in juicing various produce, including leafy greens, a cold press juicer is ideal. It's suited for regular juicers and requires more kitchen space while offering quieter operation. Conversely, if you value budget-friendliness and primarily juice softer fruits and non-leafy vegetables, opt for a centrifugal juicer.

That said, this is generic advice based on normal juicers.

Some cold-press models are also compact, affordable, and produce less pulp. So, it's important to pick the right brand before anything. We've shown you some great models along the way, but browse a wider selection of cold-press juicers before making up your mind.